Welcome to the fanlisting for Hae-Gi and So-Na, from the manga Snowdrop.


The Snow Drop Fanlisting The Yu-Sona Fanlisting The Komo Fanlisting The Komo & HaDa Fanlisting

Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 28th December 2024
Member count: 61, from 8 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Rachel
Growth rate: 0.01 fans/day


These two have to be one of THE best couples I've ever seen. I absolutely eat it up when couples have huge fights and hate each other before they become lovers. They just fit so well together seeing as how Hae-Gi is named after a flower, and So-Na knows A LOT about flowers...their personalities are both just so stubborn and lovable that they belong together. Not to mention the fact that they both play hard to get a lot with one another, it's just fun to see them competing with each other all the time. I love this couple, and it shows that they belong together. Even though, I started feeling this way by the second volume...if you love this couple too, join and show your support!


Snow Drop Fanlisting
Snow Drop @ Tokyopop.com


01. Be a fan of the relationship between Hae-Gi and So-Na. ^_^
02. Use a REAL name or i'll list you as "anonymous."
03. Be patient with the form. Click only ONCE.
04. Inappropriate sites won't be linked.
05. A site submitted without the code won't be listed with your other info. If you want your site listed, correct the problem and apply again.


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