{ what is a fanlisting? }
A fanlisting is, as its name suggests, a listing of fans of a particular actor, movie, TV show, character, band, singer, etc. It's like an online fanclub but you won't get anything besides having your name listed. If you want more info, you may visit the website of TFL.org.

{ how did this become approved by TheFanlistings.Org? }
Z-ro applied for it first at The Fanlistings.Org first, then she put some of her F4 related fanlistings up for adoption, and I asked her for leftovers...and I got Nessie's character in Meteor Garden!

{ who can join? }
Anyone can join, as long as you're a fan of Mei Zuo! Remember, you don't need to have a website in order to join.

{ how do I join? }
Just read the rules. ^^*