Welcome...and hello everyone to Soul ~24/SE7EN~, a growing fansite/tribute to the fantastic Korean singer Se7en! This site is also the approved fanlisting (by the TFL.org) for this wonderful singer, and if you are a fan of Se7en please feel free to navigate the site and join! To navigate the site, use the links to the site to click to your desired section. At Soul ~24/SE7EN, you can find a variety of information, images, graphics, and even a small rotation to suit your Se7en needs. Thanks and we hope your stay here is enjoyable!This site is owned by two girls, Jacqui (the original owner who hosts the site) and Daisy (the girl who helps Jacqui and owns the site along with her). If you have any questions about the site, please feel free to contact them. ^_^ Script used: Enthusiast Affiliates: |